Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Missing Girl - Norma Fox Mazer

Five sisters, all very different, Beauty the eldest, who sees herself as anything but beautiful, Mim the quiet shy sister, Stevie the impulsive one, Fancy talks a lot and understands little and Autumn the youngest. Five very different sisters, all unaware of the man who follows, he knows where they will be and when they will be there, they are to self –obsessed to notice, until one day Autumn doesn’t come home.

This book provides a very good story line and is really captivating…. at first. Written in a similar style to Robert Swindell’s Stone Cold this book provides insight to the mind of a criminal and the unsuspecting girls he is watching. The only downside to this book, is that because we see everything from a different point of view every chapter, the author fails to give us an insight into how the characters minds work. Missing Girl leaves a lot of questions unanswered, why does the antagonist do that, where does he come from, why is he the way he is?

This book also shares many similarities to Broken by Daniel Clay, for example the idea of 5 sisters, the constant changing to a different point of view.

I didn’t love the book, but it had a great storyline, it just needed to be expanded and fleshed out more, I thought that this would have been better as Norma Fox Mazer has written over 30 novels and short stories.

Blue Haired Girl

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