Sunday, July 6, 2008

Blood and Chocolate

So, I finished reading Blood and Chocolate and decided to Google it, I discovered that there was a movie (Don't you just love it when that happens). I went on to youtube (I love youtube =]) to watch it.

It had a good storyline, but it was totally different from the book. The characters were so OOC, especially Gabriel. The writers changed so much, I mean I absolutely loved the book, it reminded me of Twilight especially the whole forbidden love essence. It reminded me of reading fan fiction. You know how people take characters from books and write their own stories, thats what this movie was like.

Oh and I went to see Get Smart today, it was so funny =D. It's the holidays YAY!!!!

Mrs Edward Cullen


MarryatvilleKoobs said...



I just finished reading Blood and Chocolate and it was very suprising. I thought it was going to be like Twilight, with Viv ending up with Adrian. But he turned out to be a loser and I was really really surpised by who she ending up with in the end! It was different and unpredicitable but good. I really enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but I found it hard to read the parts where she like semi-stalked Adrian and broke into his girlfriends room.
I havn't seen the movie yet, and I'm a little worried that it will ruin the book for me. Thanks so much for lending it too me.
Oh and also. My MUM is reading twilight. :| Yes my mum and she LOVES it. She is addicted. Is that sad or what?

Captain Libeka

RavenclawGal said...

My mother has stolen my copy of twilight and has passed it on to the ravenous depths of her all-female bookclub. Frankly I'm suprised if I ever see it again.

Ms McInnes aka G, K said...

G'day KOOBs - just got this link about a band based on Twilight - is the world, not just you gals and even your mums, that is going TWImad?
I think it is brilliant how the we can now make anything (virtually), we want. e.g. Ms Edward Cullen's playlist - brilliant. Ravenclawgal's blog - fantastic. I am the happiest TL in the world.
See you next week.

This is an email I got
There's an "Indie" type girl band called "The Bella Cullen Project" on MySpace that has recorded songs about the Twilight Series:

They are releasing a CD soon, it would be fun to play their music or give away CD's at release parties or bookclubs. Listen to VampWolf, it is so funny!

They are located in Texas, and are performing at release parties.

I found out about them through a Stephenie Meyer group on Shelfari, which is similar to Library Thing or Google Book, but has a cool way of displaying your books on a shelf.

RavenclawGal said...

Yes. I saw them on Youtube. I am now officially scarred for life. The music, I admit, is good, but the lyrics are... well...

MarryatvilleKoobs said...

I Love The Bella Cullen Project, What they've done reminds me of the band Draco And The Malfoys.