omg. ... He looks so much hotter than rpatz in that shot... Did any of u guys see the pic of the Entertainment Weekly cover with rpatz and kstewart? My imaginary Edward is so much hotter though...
We started a book club at our High School, which has developed into a group of close friends discussing books, blogging and being VIP borrowers from our fantastic library.
Personally, he is way too fake.
I don't like him. He just... is too perfect :|
Now James Petterson is a entirley different matter. *swoons and fans self*
Beck S
Actually, now that I look at him again...(L) hes not that bad (L). But still like james better.
Beck I think you mean Robert Pattinson =P
He looks so much hotter than rpatz in that shot... Did any of u guys see the pic of the Entertainment Weekly cover with rpatz and kstewart?
My imaginary Edward is so much hotter though...
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